Tuesday, November 6, 2012

We Make Ourselves Busy

Have you ever seen a happier or cuter voter? I say, nay.

 This face makes me roll. Lana started this just a couple of days ago.

 Lana lounged while we had the "lighting of the fireplace" with caramel apples. To celebrate this. . .

 Hello Christmas! November 1st and never later.

 Also, this girl as been THIS CLOSE to crawling for the past month. Sooo close!

 This girl still sleeps like a champ when we put her down, but sometimes we still hold her and rock her because she is so special.

 And here are the TEETH!

 The sunset from Lana's bedroom

  Lana and daddy made a pillow fort.

 Grandpa was attacked by a zebra during his visit.

 Happy Halloween!

 A zebra buddy. This girl's mamma and I worked at Nordstrom together, back in the day. Small world.

 One morning this girl found her shadow. . .

 and found it captivating.

And her first time trying solids she gagged a bit, but now she gets it.